DIY whisker on you jeans | My Jeans’s
Hi Guys, This is Danial Lokard,
Your denim dude and guide, today I am going to tell you how to make the whiskers by your self, before that let me tell you what is whiskers and how it comes on your jeans naturally, but before that you need to understand how the denim is made, and what is raw or rigid denim.
so lets start with how denim is made, denim is yarn made with blue indigo on top of one side
Every jeans made, which people wear be it Rigid or Lycra first sewed in raw format, fabric cut through pattern blocking and then sewed on different machine, once all done, it’s sent to wash, there are several kind of wash depending on type of indigo each wash will give unique effect to denim, very basic wash is hard wash or stone wash, which make new fabric little bit worn out and softer look, and make it softer,

how can you make your own whiskers without waiting too long?
here are some tricks you can use to make whiskers on your best fitting custom jeans you can use sand paper, mark the area where you want to get the fading effect, and rub it smoothly (don’t be so hard on it) so that layer of indigo with fade out with sand paper, rub it in a gradual pattern giving gradient effect of same,
second wear the jeans and seat on couch of table , you will see the lines from crotch to sides coming due to seating posture, rub sand paper on that from top to bottom, which will fade out the indigo from top of the line pattern leaving the indigo below line intact, will give instant whiskers effect, you can put sand paper on drill machine or rolling motor mechanism and move drill machine from side over the jeans where you want to fade out the indigo, do as it please you, and you will have some custom made jeans with whiskers of your own